Monday, July 27, 2020



Imagination is more powerful than knowledge

Limitless  possibilities with your imaginative edge

The more real you make in practice

Results will speak for itself

Visualization   increases inner belief

A belief of a champion in self

Lack of inner belief leads to nervousness

You have the capacity but fail in matches

Play filled with errors unexpected

Leading ultimately to get defeated

Visualize and practice

Practice enhances motivation

Increase  confidence self efficiency

Improves motor performance

Primes your brain for success

Help achieve best in life wishes

Belief in self , performance booster

Positive feelings  for a confident performer

Imagine the performance and play it

A day before imagine and play it

Play with all strategies in performance

It is a  form of self hypnosis

It is safe and works brilliantly

Practice 5 minutes a day

You play the confident way

Have a role model in mind

Imitation helps the grind

For eg tennis player at the net

Imagine his movements as tiger set

Moves quicker, change directions easier felt

Break out of lack of under performance

Emerge as a victorious performer in action

Muhammad Ali improves his performance

By affirmation, Visualization ,mental rehearsal

Enters the arena with a proclamation I am the greatest

Jack Nicklaus  famous   golfer said

I never hit a shot in practice

Without a sharp. picture of  it in practice

Techniques you practice in your practice sessions

Tactics and strategy prepare with court visualization

Physical abilities guard against fatigue

Mental  preparation with visualization gives game plan

Your preparation with visualization gives success of plan

Positive emotions joy, happiness,  satisfaction

Add to the effect of visualization

Consistent practice, stay positive

Visualize and achieve merrily


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