Thursday, July 16, 2020



Your true recognition of your imperfections

And  self talk drives  you to near  perfection 

List out the negative self talk on paper

Halting them is the need of the hour

Ban the words hate or Cann’t from your vocabulary

Words that are barriers  of your progress

Positive self-talk improves confidence

Overcomes your negative emotions

I can correct my mistake

Reaffirmation  of positive talk

Stress reducer, confidence promoter , resilience  enhancer

Anxiety and depression eliminator

Surround  yourself with positive promoters

Listen, learn, think and switch gear

Assess your promising progression ladder

Weakness turned into strength

Power of self talk profound

Be an optimist, get away from negative

Will help from change perspective

Self talk clears the cloud that blocked your confidence

Makes s you a stronger, happier, fulfilled person

Let not outside forces control your self belief

Your worth,  ability guide your inner belief


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