Tuesday, December 5, 2017


We differ in opinions, beliefs,  practices
We belong to different races or ethnic origins
We need a permissive attitude
When you differ in your attitude
Education, religion, politics
Colours your tolerance limits
Spiritual innovators, political cranks ,religious eccentrics
Pay attention to diversity, equity and justice
Nourish to integrate all into a peaceful society
Strengthening tolerance for a progressive society
In sports, an error committed you lose a point
No point worrying and do not brood over it
Look ahead and plan for success
So too start nation building from today
Do not dwell on what happened yesterday.
Build a society for all to be happy
Tolerance is the key to good  society
Everyone deserves to be loved, valued
No matter how different they are from you
Hate, grudges, wanting to cause harm stop it
Life on Earth make it pleasant, worth it.

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