Sunday, December 3, 2017


Sri Venkatesa on Tirumala  hill
In  Dwapara yuga, Seshadri hill
oh the lord of universe
Husband of fortune goddess
Directs devotees in right direction
Seek His refuge for protection
Lord remover of sins, giver of good health
nectar  of energy ,prosperity and wealth
Seek His refuge for protection
Equal to Him god none
Srinivasa  of Tirumala  Hills
Swayambu.originated on His own
His feet standing on petals of lotus
Beautiful kireeta or crown on His head
With an attractive smiling face
With full of grace
Pachai karpooram on His chin
Lord with four hands shines
Upper two hands holding  Sangu and Chakra
Lower right hand in varada hasta
With His palm facing Bhaktas
His fingers pointing His feet
Saying pray to my lotus feet
And His left hand on thigh pointing inwards
Assuring not to be terrified by ocean of samsara
Which becomes  hip deep
By surrender,  saranagati  to His lotus feet
And on His chest Padmavati
Close to His heart His Devi
He is  decorated with ornaments
Adisesha  on His arms
Garland of saligrama round His neck
His divine feet on Lotus petals rest
Surrender to Him in this  Kali yuga


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