Sunday, December 3, 2017


Image result for govardhana giri
Prepares Nanda Maharaj of Braj
Customary annual celebration of Braj
Pooja for Lord Indra on a large scale function
To Please Indra,  for good rains seek His sanction
For farmers to do their cultivation
prosperity resulting in their action
Krishna, Little Krishna against the function
Let everyone do their karma, action
Let farmers do farming to their best ability
Take care of their cattle properly
No need for sacrifice for natural phenomenon
"Villagers, to me you better listen"
Do pooja to Giri Govardhana
Let us see Prosperous Vrindavana.
Indra furious of Krishna act
Small kid ."I know how to react"
I shall send terrible rain
Flood land of Vrindavan , never seen
See people of Vrindavan in pain
Approach me to stop the rain."
Started the heavy down pour of rain
Thunder bolts ravaged the land, people in pain
Approached Krishna, help people of Vrindavan
Krishna never worried," fear you shun"
Krishna lifted Govadhana Hill
With his left hand little finger well
Balanced was Govardhana Hill
As an Umbrella providing shelter well
All inhabitants, with cows too took shelter
Pleased with Krishna, the saviour
For seven days non- stop rain
Krishna sheltered all without pain
no hunger, no thirst for all
All in company of Krishna small
Indra stunned and mystified of Krishna's act
Brought rain of devastation to halt
Sky became clear, bright Sun appears
Inhabitants back to their homes in cheers
Krishna telling them "never fear
I am always there to protect ever"
Nanda Maharaja,Yashoda and Balarama
Hailed Little Krishna for upholding dharma.

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