Thursday, December 21, 2017



Oceans of all continents
Dolphins are inhabitants
Highly intelligent dolphins
Their brains similar to humans
Part of whale family
Orcus and Pilots belong to this family
Carnivorous in nature
Social animals love to play together
Dolphins live in schools or pods
Up to twelve in each pod
Dolphins show respect, adoration and affection
Of human culture, this creature of oceans
Dolphins love music
Can be charmed by singing in harmony
Especially by the sound of water organs
Dolphins known for their morality and honor
Diviner than Dolphins no creature ever
Dolphins make different sounds
Using nasal air socks, the sounds
Clicks, whistles, and squeaks
Dolphin uses sonar
To find distance of objects better
They transmit, receive and compute
Distances to objects, accurate to fraction of a foot
Dolphins predict calm sea
Sailors as a guide love these
Dolphins do  have  valued   place
Hindu, Greek and other mythologies trace.


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