Thursday, December 7, 2017



Image result for GOD IN DWARAKAD

Dwaraka, sacred to Hindu religion
Dwaraka   meaning a gateway to heaven
A  gateway  to  eternal  happiness
Of Krishna consciousness
Krishna is absolute truth to yogis
Subject of sacred   love  to   Gopis
To Warriors, He is a hero
Kamsa   feared   Him   most
Sisupala   hated Him most
Narada devoted to Him
Yudhistira befriended Him
Mahabharata fought in 1473 B C
Krishna’s  Dwaraka seen in 1443 B C
Krishna temple built in 16 century
Five storied   temple
Built on 72 pillars, the temple
Multi   colored  flag on dome
Stretches   from   dome eighty four foot flag
With a Mokshadwar, Moksha  door,  in front
With a Swargadwar, Gate to Heaven in South
Four armed Vishnu called  TriVikrama
Krishna carved out of black marble
Wearing a  garland  gifted by Goddess  Lakshmi
God  Krishna   blesses  devotees in  Dwaraka
“Paritranaya  sadhunam
Vinasaya ca  Dushkratam
Dharma   samsthapanarthaya
Sambhavami yuge yuge”
Meaning “To protect the righteous
Annihilate the evil mischievous
And   reestablish   righteousness
Millennium after Millennium ,  I appear for human wellness”

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