Wednesday, September 26, 2018


In life one experiences emotions
Six different types in different proportions
Happiness, sorrow and fear
Disgust, surprise and anger
Control them best in your life
Make it pleasant as a whole, strive
Happiness every- one loves most
Feeling of joy, contentment, satisfies best
Happiness is complex, individualized highly
Promotes good health and longevity
Sadness, a transitional brief
Driven by disappointment and grief
Leads to quietness, isolation and lethargy
Withdraw from others and cry
Fear, an emotion of survival
On experiencing danger, plans of revival
Often experienced in fear inducing thrills too
Hardening occurs after experience few
Anger, due to frustration and agitation
Facial expression, body language reflecting emotion
Anger develops clarity in relationship
Finds a solution to mental hardship
At times leads to aggression
Uncontrolled abuse or violence
Disgust, drives one away from object of cause
Facial expression and physical reaction lasts
Often due to environment unclean
Or   actions   of   some mean
Surprise, due to element unexpected
An emotion positive, negative or neutral   reacted
Creates a fight or flight response
Registers lasting memories of incidence


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