Tuesday, September 25, 2018


                          2.0 RED
Red vegetables rich in phytonutrients
In vitamins,  minerals, antioxidants
Lycopene and anthocyanin give  the  vegetable  red  hue
Lycopene benefits heart, eye sight, prevents infections too
Anthocyanin protects liver,
Improves eye sight, prevents infections, cancer and tumour
Draw your attention to benefits of red
Include and benefit from diet red
Red tomatoes and red onions
Reduce risk of diabetes, osteoporosis
Lowers cholesterol too
Beets rich in antioxidants
Source of vitamin c, potassium, folate
Rich in fiber and nitrates
Improves blood flow, boosts athletic endurance
Red cabbage if you intake
Get vitamins A,C,K
Vitamins B6, fiber, potassium and manganese
 Red  Chili  pepper
Inflammation fighter
A good pain killer
Contains Capsaicin, fights cancer
Red leaf lettuce, full of nutrients
Slows aging, protects against cancer
Keeps you hydrated for it is full of water
Red onions rich in Phyto nutrients
Improves immunization, protects liver
Reduces cholesterol too
Take Red potatoes with skin
Fiber and nutrient filled skin
Rich in fiber and potassium
Sodium free and rich in potassium
Beneficial for healthy blood pressure
Take with leafy greens and tomatoes with pleasure
Sweet potatoes, nature’s unsurpassed in beta carotene
Raises blood level of vitamin A
Rich in antioxidants, anti- inflammatory nutrients
Rich in blood sugar regulating nutrients
Red vegetables give so much of health benefits
Nature offers you to relish and keep fit

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