Saturday, December 17, 2022




Nerve problems common for diabetics

Tingling and  in the foot, other discomforts

Try my nerve tonic, my personal experience

Relieves much of discomfort you experience

Soak Chia seeds or Flax seeds one table spoon

For an hour at least to make chia seeds bloat

Take a quarter of  banana fruit,  cut  into slices

Take two small size tomatoes, or one big and cut into pieces

Half an orange , cut into slices

A spoon of cashew nut powder if you wish

A  small piece of ginger , a pain reliever

A pinch of turmeric , a nerve comforter

Except for chia seeds which you soak separately

Grind the rest in a mixie jar

Add to it CHIA SEEDS  soaked in water

Add a pinch of salt to taste and mix well

Enjoy the drink, once a day at  eleven o clock in  the morning

 feel the relief in  a few days so comforting

Let me know by writing your experience

To you send your reaction


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