Monday, December 12, 2022



                       Improve your child memory

Questioning  develops better comprehension of any topic.

Allow your children to ask questions

Better memory of music is natural

Make rhymes or music , make them remember

Discussions improve a child’s memory

Promote them to discuss on any topic

Let the child relate and create their own experience

This is a real memory booster

Let the child teach, brings out  his/her memory power

Let them explore with younger on  topics stored in memory, a thriller

Visual aids such as flash cards, boost memory

Relate words and scenes that boosts memory

Sight, sound, and touch boosters of memory

Promote relations  to connect between  materials

Headings, lists, colors add to memory boosters

Use them effectively in presenting on materials 

Ask your child to teach you

He/she would love to do

Repeat, repeat,  repetition is the key

To build from short-term to long term memory



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