Monday, December 12, 2022


Omega 3 rich chia seeds ,flax seeds, hemp seeds

Algae based rich supplements too

 Help improve the nerve barriers that conduct messages to other parts

Magnesium improves conduction of nerve signals

Brocolli , oat meals, cashew, pinto beans, tofu rich in magnesium

Potassium helps in transmission of signals to other parts of body

Eat bananas, carrots, oranges, potato, broccoli, strawberries

B12 promotes the growth of nerve barriers

Metformin causes b12 deficiency

Take b12 supplements, orange juice, coconut, fortified nuts, oat meals

Alpha lipoid acid improves speed of transmission, improves  nerve blood flow, nerve inflammation

Spinach, tomatoes, green peas, Brussel sprouts rich in ALA Alpha lipoid acids

Herbs that reduce nerve pain

Ginger and turmeric lessen the pain

Minimize  intake of processed foods

Preservatives in them can be  harmful 


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