Friday, October 26, 2018


Nuts, nature’s gift in small packages
Tasty nutritional power horses
Packed with fats, protein, vitamins and minerals
Benefit including them in daily intakes
Walnuts, king of nuts
Rich in anti-oxidants
Rich in protein
Omega 3 and fatty acids
Cancer fighting Ellagic acid
Protects heart and improves blood flow
Hazzle nuts, rich in vitamin E
Rich in in magnesium
Regulates in muscles calcium
Good for ladies, deficient in magnesium
After menopause, need magnesium supplement
Rich in vitamins,B1 B2B3 B5 B9
Benefit eating hazzle nuts
Brazil nuts loaded with calcium
Iron, copper and magnesium
Potassium and phosphorous
Rich in selenium, antioxidant
Rich in zinc, eliminates acne
Glutathione in Brazil nuts
Keeps wrinkle free, benefit
Pine nuts promote weight loss
Lutein rich, eye it protects
Almonds fight cholesterol
Rich in fiber promotes weight loss
Protects your heart
Protects against diabetes lot
Pecans rich in antioxidants and minerals 
Manganese, copper, zinc, magnesium
Rich in oleic acid
Regulates glucose and insulin in the body
Cashews, rich in iron, magnesium, copper
Oleic acid rich, prevents cancer
Promotes healthy bones and rich skin
Pea nuts promote healthy pregnancy
They are rich in vitamin E
Reduce the risk of birth defects
Peanuts, rich in folates
Good for brain development
Helps fight depression
Reduce risk of heart disease
Take almonds in morning
Take pine in the evening
Cashew and pistachio too
After a hard day’s work good
Take daily a handful of mixed nuts
It benefits you a lot

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