Wednesday, September 26, 2018


In life one experiences emotions
Six different types in different proportions
Happiness, sorrow and fear
Disgust, surprise and anger
Control them best in your life
Make it pleasant as a whole, strive
Happiness every- one loves most
Feeling of joy, contentment, satisfies best
Happiness is complex, individualized highly
Promotes good health and longevity
Sadness, a transitional brief
Driven by disappointment and grief
Leads to quietness, isolation and lethargy
Withdraw from others and cry
Fear, an emotion of survival
On experiencing danger, plans of revival
Often experienced in fear inducing thrills too
Hardening occurs after experience few
Anger, due to frustration and agitation
Facial expression, body language reflecting emotion
Anger develops clarity in relationship
Finds a solution to mental hardship
At times leads to aggression
Uncontrolled abuse or violence
Disgust, drives one away from object of cause
Facial expression and physical reaction lasts
Often due to environment unclean
Or   actions   of   some mean
Surprise, due to element unexpected
An emotion positive, negative or neutral   reacted
Creates a fight or flight response
Registers lasting memories of incidence



                            3.0 GREEN
Rich in Carotenoid, Lutein and   Zeaxanthin
Protect eyes from cataract and macular degeneration
Beta carotenes in leafy vegetables
By body to vitamin A convertible
Reduces risk of night blindness
Rich in calcium, for bone health bliss
Reduces risk of Osteoporosis
Rich in carotenoids, flavonoids, antioxidants
Fights against cancer of stomach and colon
Skin cancer and breast cancer too
Rich in fiber and iron too
Enables red cells transport nutrients
Rich in folic acid, ovulation it improves
Prevents anemia and birth defects
Rich in antioxidants and carotenoids
Prevents problem due to free radicals
Leafy greens improve your memory
Rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, protein
Strengthens your body and improves life
Go green, keep your health in green
Spinach, cabbage, lettuce
Green bell pepper and dandelion greens
Fennel, okra, zucchini, kale, green beans
Swiss chard, broccoli, asparagus
Celery, kohlrabi, beet greens
Greens are plenty
Enjoy nature’s seasonal bounty

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


                          2.0 RED
Red vegetables rich in phytonutrients
In vitamins,  minerals, antioxidants
Lycopene and anthocyanin give  the  vegetable  red  hue
Lycopene benefits heart, eye sight, prevents infections too
Anthocyanin protects liver,
Improves eye sight, prevents infections, cancer and tumour
Draw your attention to benefits of red
Include and benefit from diet red
Red tomatoes and red onions
Reduce risk of diabetes, osteoporosis
Lowers cholesterol too
Beets rich in antioxidants
Source of vitamin c, potassium, folate
Rich in fiber and nitrates
Improves blood flow, boosts athletic endurance
Red cabbage if you intake
Get vitamins A,C,K
Vitamins B6, fiber, potassium and manganese
 Red  Chili  pepper
Inflammation fighter
A good pain killer
Contains Capsaicin, fights cancer
Red leaf lettuce, full of nutrients
Slows aging, protects against cancer
Keeps you hydrated for it is full of water
Red onions rich in Phyto nutrients
Improves immunization, protects liver
Reduces cholesterol too
Take Red potatoes with skin
Fiber and nutrient filled skin
Rich in fiber and potassium
Sodium free and rich in potassium
Beneficial for healthy blood pressure
Take with leafy greens and tomatoes with pleasure
Sweet potatoes, nature’s unsurpassed in beta carotene
Raises blood level of vitamin A
Rich in antioxidants, anti- inflammatory nutrients
Rich in blood sugar regulating nutrients
Red vegetables give so much of health benefits
Nature offers you to relish and keep fit

Monday, September 24, 2018


1.0    WHITE
Reduce white bread not white foods
For your health, they   do  good
Onions, Garlic, super amazing
Antibacterial and health benefitting
Rich in poly phenols
Control chronic inflammation
Minimize risk of Alzheimer
Heart disease, diabetes type2, cancer
Mushrooms,  enoki, maitake,  oyster
Reduce impact of Arsenic on liver
White vegetables rich in flavonoids
Flavonoids rich in antioxidants
Counteract free radical formation
Unchecked free radicals damage tissues, cells
White vegetables reduce cardiovascular disease
And several types of cancer cease
Promotes lung health, asthma free
Include in your weekly diet and see


Life is of emotions six
Find in different proportions mix
Happiness, sorrow, anger
Disgust, surprise and fear
So too in food variations six
Relish a mixture of this
Sweet, sour and salty
Bitter, pungent and astringent
On Indian New Year
Food you take a mixture
Of these six kinds
Reminds life is filled with emotions of kinds
Jaggery, neem flower, pepper
Salt, tamarind, raw mango mixture