Monday, April 6, 2020


                           COVID 19

Corona emerged  only in 2019 December

Mega minds to deal with it , no answer

Virus attacks the body

five days it takes to establish within the body

Virus gets in when you breathe in

Or touch a contaminated surface

and if you take it up to your face

begins in you the Virus days

infects the cell in your throat

and into airways and lungs fast

begins infecting and multiplication of cells

symptoms not felt at this stage

but it takes five days on average

symptoms are fever and cough

at times body aches, head aches 

body recognizes something wrong

release chemicals called cytokines

rally the immune system within

body ache, pain and fever

common cough, a dry one

coughing up  sputum

out comes thick mucus

with dead lung cells caused by virus

rest, plenty of water, paracetamol

treatment for affected all

it las for a week to recover

Those with, their immune system better

but some form Covid 19

critical cases lead to pneumonia

non life threatening to severe

Accurate  respiratory  distress syndrome

in this case fluid builds up in the lungs

doctors use external means to support oxygen

All need to take precautions

wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds often

use tissues with 60percent alcohol for coughs

avoid touching face at any cost

stay at home, avoid journeys

social distancing matters

otherwise infection spreads

picking up cough droplets

then you touch your face

begins the problem days

your body condition matters

to resist the virus build it up

in take of Garlic or miracle minerals of no use

drink lots of water, avoid ice creams, keep hot. doctor's views

worry not, fatality rate is around 6 percent

stay fit and corona  resistant


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