Sunday, December 1, 2019



Stress in life due to negative emotions

Needs to be controlled often

Negative emotions like anger avarice

Needs to be suppressed to your benefit

When mind   is   diverted   performance suffers

Clear your obstacles with improved concentration

Develop feelings of harmony tranquility and love

Benefits self and society well

When stressed, chant this mantra

Om  Namo Narayana

Surely stress will disappear

Breathe in with OM, mentally or loud chant

Retain breath for few seconds

Release the breath in slow fashion

Breathe in with NAMO mentally or loud chant

Retain breath for few seconds

Release   breath in slow fashion

Breathe in with NARAYANA

Retain breath for a few seconds

Release breath in slow fashion

Realize stress has vanished

Mental clutter disappeared

Do this in sitting posture or in bed

You are sure   to   benefit from Vishnu   blessed

Sri Ramanuja taught this mantra to all creeds

Blessed were they indeed


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