Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Shanta   a rasa of relaxation
Yogic super conscious experience
Body, mind, ego, intellect at rest
You achieve it through meditation best.

Anger, love, jealousy, fear, courage has no place
Air, the element, gives calmness, rest, exhaustion safe
Need to balance needs and desires
Meditation,  the  natural peace provider. 

Debts three, to ancestors, universe, and teacher
Pay to ancestors raising children
Pay to universe through self- less service
Pay to teacher through teaching.
O bhūr bhuva sva
tát savitúr váre(i)ya
bhárgo devásya dhīmahi
dhíyo yó na pracodáyāt

Walk in a forest, a  feast  of  nature’s  beauty
Watch waves of ocean or sea
Climb the mountains with sound of music
God’s gift, scenes   enchanting,  providers  of  Peace.

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