Thursday, April 25, 2013


Veera, courage or fearlessness in action
Self -assurance, determination, heroism
Valor with perfect control of body, mind
Worthy   quality , with   dharma   in   mind.

Courage, pride, Veera   signs
Ego, sub-servant to Veera remains
Freedom and independence sign
In needs self-sufficient, interdependence free  remain.

Dharma veer, righteous in conduct
Daya veer, sympathetic and helpful in acts
Dana veer, munificent
Yough veer, bellicose, enjoy   fight.

Full of courage, face obstacles boldly
With    enthusiasm, energy, spontaneity
In war or every -day life
Veeras qualities praise-worthy   lie

Karna   during   duel with   Arjuna
With   Arjuna   lie unconscious
Ashwasen, king Cobra ready to attack at once
Karna   resists, never snake poison on human.

Yudhhistira, unflinching in adherence to dharma
Sathya, truth   dharma , righteousness
 Kshatriya code of conduct observer
Never  a   challenge refuser.

Veera not confined to Kings
Lies in any one, inner courage brings
Express feelings or act according to mind
Oppose   unworthy acts of any kind.

Husband and wife share a bond of trust
Says a village woman, if that does not exist
Relationship no better than two persons of opposite gender
Sleeping in the same room and having kids in number. .


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