Wednesday, January 18, 2023



One can achieve whatever he wants to be if one concentrates on object  of 

desire with faith

You can achieve anything with faith alone

Avoid inaction ,out to do your duty

Your senses you use to achieve, even a tortoise knows when to withdraw

God  is known by different names, but always a saviour

What you want ,being what you want

Consciousness  is when you feel others suffering as if yours

When the mind is still you get answers for your thoughts

Quiet the mind ,the soul will speak

Live in the present and be in peace.

Om mani padme  hum

Om  purifies mind

Ma purifies jealousy

Ni  purifies passion

Pad purifies ignorance

Me. Purifies greed

Hum purifies hatred

Secret of success lies in your daily routine

Do self transformation for your wellbeing


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