Monday, May 3, 2021



Patience, a virtue in  every walk of life

A promoter of  calm and confidence in life

Impulsiveness takes a back seat

Promotes tolerance to delays, a confident wait

Promotes  suppression of  anger, a mistake promoter

Promotes calm and  confidence over obstacles you encounter

A stress reducer and resilience builder

Stress  in everyday life you encounter

Learn and make it a habit, life becomes pleasanter

Promotes calm and reduces blood pressure

You garner respect from others

Handle difficult situations better

Good quality  to possess for a good ruler

Believe in self and Him, good times sure to come

Patience, promotes empathy, forgiveness

A shield for all  trouble and path to progress

Promotes focus, create environment for fruition, suitable

Promotes a methodical intentional ,purposeful  approach towards goal 

Patience promotes a strength of character, vision,  courage

Prepares you to embrace hardships with dignity and practice patience in  life’s stage


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