Thursday, April 22, 2021




Lakshmi Narayan Wallpapers - Wallpaper Cave

Narayana Sukta addresses Narayana

A devout touching feeling to creator Narayana

Narayana, thousand headed, thousand eyed

Thousand limbed creator of universe

Narayana, hidden in the heart of every one

Visualize Narayana by deep  meditation

In the Lotus of heart, a citadel of cosmos

The palace of creator of Universe

Search not for Narayana, He is within you

He is the creator outside but also within you

Consciousness of Narayana flows within you

Through every nerve current, life flows and vibrates in you

Flow of life and vibration within you is Chaitanya  or consciousness

Or Narayana moving in creation

Narayana is beyond Brahma, Vishnu, Siva

Indra and other God Angels

He appears as every one of them

Imperishable, self existent all

“Yacca kincit jagat sarvam”

Narayana spread all over world

In everything we see, hear, act inside and outside

“Narayanaya Vidmahe

Vasudevaya Dhimahi

Thanno Vishnu Prachodayat”

Let us try to know Narayana

Let us try to meditate on that Vasudeva

And that Vishnu employ us to do good deed


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