Wednesday, August 5, 2020



Self-talk is your inner talk

Influenced by sub -conscious  mind 

Can promote  positive or negative thoughts

Encourage or  discourage in actions

Depending on optimism or pessimism in self

Optimists have better quality of life 

Self- talk a performance booster

An athlete to be a better performer

Negative self talk leads  to stress

Your performance suffers

Makes yourself miserable

For every thing begin blaming self

Magnify the situation more than what it is

Think of worst possible instead of being logical

Never take a path middle but always extremes

Overcome negative emotions

With positive affirmations

Check your negative and turn it to positive

Humor   and laughter is the best solution

Inspiring words promote to positive thoughts

Positivity benefits in life a lot

Increased vitality, l gives  life  satisfaction,  a lot

Less stress, better physical health,

Improved cardio vascular health, 

improved immune function

Positive thinker sees the invincible

They Feel the intangible

They achieve the impossible

Never let go, with grit  they go after goal

Resilience, acceptance, consciousness

Integrity, positivity,  courage, fearlessness 

Persistence, focus, adaptability, their strengths

Be in the present, forget the past

Build you future , the will you have got

Your group that you move with matters

Let it be positive people , success promoters

Communicate , connect for progress
Avoid bitterness, let it be forgiveness

 The   traits of positive character

Distance yourself from negative thoughts

You will become stronger than you thought

Stay positive in  every sphere  of your endeavor

Happy thinking , smiles here after


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