Tuesday, March 24, 2020



Improve shortness of breath

Try improving it as much

some may be be with COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Even they need to improve as much

pursed lip breathing, one way to breath

breathe through your nose for 5 to 10 secs

depending on your comfort zone

breathe out through lips

as if you are ready to kiss

lips almost but not touching

you have made pursed mode breathing

breathe into out ratio 1:2

breathe in for 5 seconds

breathe out through pursed mode for 10 seconds

 next target strengthening diaphragm muscle

exercise alone can help strengthening muscle

you are in lying down position

two palms interlocked,  placed on belly position

with breathe in palms move up

with breathe out palm goes down

breathe in through nose and out through mouth

let the ratio of in to out be 1:2 or 1:3

depending on your lung capacity

move your shoulders forward and backward

and your hand side to side

eliminate any tension in the body

practice and improve your lung capacity

clean your lungs with anti inflammatory  foods

turmeric, greens, blue berries, walnuts

olives, beans,cherries, lentils

avoid smoking, avoid pollution

steam therapy or controlled coughing

drains mucus from lungs

lie on your back with pillows at hip

making lungs lower than hip

inhale for 5 secs and exhale in 10 seconds

do it for 10 to 12 times in a few minutes

gravity assisted breath helps cough out in minutes

breathe to keep you fit

enhance your lung capacity bit by bit


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