Thursday, November 16, 2017



Chellamma, 93, hard to believe you sister, no more

You missed hundred , Sataayushman  score

Sridhar and Kalyani  serving you by your side

Son and daughter in law's pride.

We are left with tears to ears

Tell tales of yester years

Few words and silence your trade mark

 Gentle smile showing your acceptance  nod

Memories stand in your place

from 3/23 st mary's,Santhome, Buffalo, Melbourne days

you were not blessed with good health

Yet  serving many, smiling,  your strength

Probably we deprived your children

Full share, to them, of your love and happiness

Joys of together days

Celebrations on festive days

Birth days, marriages of close ones

With festivity and fun

40 days I was down with Typhoid fever

Took care of me with motherly fervour

You and brother in law Desika chari

Fortunate blessing for our family.

Awake and asleep you are in our memories

Tears keep telling our noble bonds

You have reached His Lotus feet

Our memories and gratitude till we breathe.


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