Tuesday, November 28, 2017



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Namagiri Narasimha on a rathna simhasana
In cave temple of Saligrama Hill,  seated in Veerasana
With  Karunda  Magudam, the golden crown
God ,the giver of courage and power gives  darshan.
Narasimha with four hands
Prayoga  chakram  in  upper right hand
Pancha  Sanyam , with conch on upper  left hand
Ahvaana mudra , inviting bhaktas,  down right hand
Resting on His knees,  His downward left hand
Narasimha's  hand red with stains of blood
Hiranyakasipu,  with His  sharp nails dead
Narasimha ,you see with a difference
On his left lap You do not find  consort  Lakshmi 's presence
Instead seated in  His Vakshasthala, Chest
He wears 108 saligramas around His neck
Drives away the black magic and evil spirit
with all firmness using a silver stick
God surrounded by Sankan and  Sanathanan, Brahma's sons
See Suryan, Chandran, Brahma and Siva's  presence
Surya and Chandra fanning to cool angry Narasimha
Brahma and Siva on visit to Narasimha
Truly a place to worship Trimuthy, Brahma, Vishnu ,Siva
 Image result for namakkal temples

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