Saturday, July 15, 2017


Crater Lake, deep water in a sleeping volcano
Formed seven thousand seven hundred years ago
Collapse of a mountain MOZAMA tall
Into a lake fed by rain and snow fall
Best south OREGON attraction
For generations scientists and artists inspiration
A full sized tree in the lake
Known   as   old man of the lake
Stands   well over century
Low temperature of water increasing its longevity
Lake 8 by 9 kms across
With caldera rim ramping in
Depth of lake 350 meters
Varies upto 594 meters
Fresh water lake largest in USA
Blue in color, tourists pleasure
Under the influence of North Pacific high
Summer is mild and dry
Under the influence of Aleutian low
Observe average of 12.83 m a  year snow
Hiking, back packing, camping
Picnicking, and sight seeing
Boating and scenic driving
Around Rim Drive fascinating
In winter snow shoeing
And pleasurable Skiing
Recreations of park
Enjoy the experience to talk
See and enjoy the beauty of lake
No words or photos depict mind state.


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