Wednesday, December 23, 2015


It is a ledger of what you know
Over years you built it as you grow
Your association with the learned
Time well spent, knowledge well earned
Knowledge flows like water from higher to lower
Unlike water, knowledge transfer diminishes never
As one lamp lights another, nor grows less
In Knowledge transfer, source diminishes never
Knowledge is  to  know something
Facts, principles, skills with understanding
Education and experience imparts
Our forefathers have given us lots
Learned command respect
Seat of authority they deserve best
Knowledge   enables   us to conquer
Over animals and humans stronger
Cause of growth of human progress and civilization
Improves our life with modernization
Medical research conquers diseases
Geographical discoveries with journey to places
History teaches us learn from mistakes of past
Science, technology for earth and space contribute a lot
Space technology, understanding mysterious outer space
Man’s knowledge growing at a fast pace
Human life is a valued noble one
Let us not with warfare life be done
Use power of knowledge to build
No guns or weapons of destruction wield
Fly like birds, fathom the sea
Understanding heaven and earth you see
On rockets, satellites land on Planets and Stars
Understand the mysterious Space,  that  thrills all.


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