Saturday, December 26, 2015


Two humans join in life
With bonds as husband and wife
Strengthening each other in life
Sharing pleasures and pains of life
They were to start with two souls
Attracting each other like magnetic poles
Tied into marriage loving one another
Souls merged  into one thereafter
Care and share became their way
Yelling and forgetting, together they stay
For problems on a bad day
Love clears it all the way.
Communication, intimacy and trust
Three key elements, promotes love best
Without these relationship is hollow
People in love very well know.
Love is ageless and colourless for ever
For two hearts in knot binds together
Like scissors, two metal pieces in one
Together great things are done.
No heart for me like yours to me
No love for you like mine to you                        
Summarises a successful marriage
Love diminishes never with age

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