Friday, August 5, 2011



Peepal tree grows very fast

Roots attached to trunk as pillar last

Trunks irregular shaped, low buttresses

Barks light grey, peel in patches

It is epiphytic growing on trees

A strangler with rope like roots, one sees

Grows in cracks on walls, cracking a lot

Resistant to drought and frost

Leaves smooth, shiny, leathery

Oval in shape, apex into tail lengthy

Base is over all heart shaped

Oxygen rich in morn due to thick foliage.

Flowers hidden in figs, green turning into purple

Between stalk of leaves and branches at an angle

Three colorless male stamen with opening at apex

Female flower with five petals, pistil enclosure

Round the year Peepal with fig fruits

Birds, bats, fond of the fruits

Seeds undigested into gutters and walls

Germinate and grow anywhere well.

Indus valley civilization from Mohenjo-Daro times

Hindus worshipped the tree, considered divine.

Symbol of happiness, longevity, good luck, prosperity

Vraksha rajaya namah, salutations to king of trees

Peepal tree, a home of Trinity, a Hindu belief

Brahma in roots, Vishnu in trunk , Shiva in leaves

In Bhagavad Gita Krishna says, Asvathah sarvvi Krishnam

Meaning peepal tree His own image, says Krishna.

Upanishads explain body and soul

With Peepal fruit one realizes well

Fruit of tree like body enjoys and feels

Seed within, a silent observer of things.

Plants in Hanuman and Shani temples

Women circumbulate the tree thrice for blessings

Merit for progeny, sorrows redeemed, diseases cured

On Shravan Saturdays prayers observed.

Peepal tree is married to Neem illustration

Fruit of Neem Shiva linga representation

Leaf of peepal, yoni, power of female action

Representing creation through sexual union

For Buddhists too the tree so sacred

Buddha enlightened under this tree in GAYA

Later known as Gautama Buddha, spiritual founder

Worship of Peepal equals worship of Gautama ever.

Peepal with a diameter of three meters

Height to diameter ratio of ten one observes

Oldest plant of nearly three centuries before Christ

Gaya Gautama’s enlightenment site


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