Monday, August 1, 2011



Mahalakshmi Infinite, our obeisance to you

Abode of all righteousness present in you

Destroyer of sorrows of world

Resides in chest of Narayana, the Lord.

Goddess Maha Lakshmi we pray to thee

Six great qualities in you perceive

SreyathE, SruNothi, SrayathE,

SrAvanyathee, SruNAthi, SreeNathi.

Mother Supreme up lifts or redeems devotees

Protects devotees, praying with sincerity

Listens to your appeals, appeals to Lord

For multitudes of transgressed deviations, protection from Lord

Clears obstacles devotees encounter

Perfects Qualities of those seeking Her as protector

Six qualities in Sanskrit of Maha Lakshmi, be a benefactor


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