Thursday, July 13, 2023



At times you feel you can handle anything

At times affects  small setbacks overwhelming

Mental strength resists negative thoughts

Ups and downs in life, to face, helps a lot

Physical fitness a requirement for mental strength

Gives mental toughness to perform under crucial moment

Mental fitness has three components

Resilience ,mental strength, mental toughness

Mental toughness eliminates negativity

Resilience prepares you to recover from setbacks

Mental strength helps to persevere

Mental fitness builds them all

Prepare for the worst

You have taken care of the rest

Anxiety cautions you of threats

Mental fitness takes care the best

Mental strength a motivator

Prepares you for the goal achiever

Mental fitness a problem solver 

Self belief and confidence , success drivers

Some mental fitness builders you  pursue

Meditation improves focus

Coaches and good company knowledge boosters

Make a note of your growth, progress pointer

Nature a resilience builder, relax with points to ponder

Relax in a green park for an hour

It is an energy builder , confidence restorer

Drive yourself out of comfort zone

Results will speak on its own


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