Friday, June 17, 2022



Positivity, an optimistic attitude, it reverses  situation

Develop this attitude, life happiness orientation

Build  up in you an an  emotional positivity

Positivity brings more  work  productivity

Promotes our perception, focus, and increased attention

Improves confidence, problem solving ability  assertiveness, goal orientation

Builds up emotions like curiosity, gratitude, pride in achievements

Promotes decision making, benefits in emotional regulation

Develop positivity by connecting with others

Promotes  connectivity with others and appreciate others  

Recollection of good times with family and friends

 positivity moods in you builds, promotes expansion

What you think  what you say, what you do be in harmony

Happiness flows automatically  when heart and head is in unision

Self talk promotes positivity, let reason and logic govern

Positive thinking in health matters improves life span

Surround yourself with positive people, achievers

Follow a healthy lifestyle that manages stress

Be positive, be progressive


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