Tuesday, January 19, 2021


Rama Rajya

Governments of the world

Hope you have heard

Rama Rajya, the rule of Rama

People’s golden era Rama Rajya

Government of peace, progress and  prosperity

Peace and harmony in society

A lesson for today’s governance

Give up personal enrichment and glorification

Life of masses be your concern profoundly

Social justice, let it not be a slogan merely

Better show it in action, deserves your appreciation

No poverty, pain, grief, you better aim

No discrimination,  a good relief, your worthy action

Happiness and prosperity be your concern

Let equal rights be your slogan

Foundation of a prosperous nation

No fear from fevers like Covid

Dharma or righteousness up held

Raise your spiritual level

Let all religions do their bit well

Accumulating wealth not good for a ruler

Public welfare be your concern for ever

Let the learned and wise help in governance

Let the worthy rules be in  observance

Moral authority and self discipline

Respect all religions without discrimination

Let parents, teachers guide young generation well

Do’s dont’s in every child embed well

Righteousness  and ethical conduct

Let rulers be a role model to connect

No room for pain, poverty, disease

Promote truth and non-violence

It is not just the temples of worship

Temple within you of loving friendship

Elevates the progress of society

Rulers remembered  for generations for nation building worthy


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