Thursday, January 4, 2018


Champions have pride of purpose
Pride of self and prove to the world best
They are made of guts
Within them three elements lasts
Desire, Dedication, Determination
Stress, pressure they handle
Mentally, physically prepared well
Champions have vision, dream and skill
Desire overcomes fear well
Believe in self, they possess
Study, Skill and Focus
Mohammed Ali said “Desire Dream and Vision”
“A will stronger than Skill”
Parent’s ambition fulfilled with children
Providing opportunities they can
“Winner”-_a   right and respect you earn
With Practice, Practice, Practice you earn
Ali   said” If you ever dream of beating me in you
Better wake up and apologize”
Inspire yourself to be a champion
Million hearts admire, cheer every occasion
Quit never, keep up the iron will to win
Prepare and train for your vision
Michael Angelo saw a potential in every marble
With practice and honing elevate yourself best
More than everything let it be in you  “ God’s  Gift”

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