Sunday, January 31, 2016


Dead sea, land locked you see
 on Earth, lowest valley
with minerals of country side and surrounding
washed into pool, baked by sun, salt concentrate astounding.
Oh the high way ninety
along  Israel and  West bank shores you see
road 393 meters below level of sea
lowest on earth shore, the DEAD SEA
Hyper saline water 377 meters deep
in salinity to surpass none you see
with minerals many present in this sea
for human health beneficial you see
no aquatic plants and fishes
Along 67 kms long and 18  kms wide flourish
dead sea, world's first health resort
king David took refuge in this resort
dead sea provide balms for Egyptian mummification
And potash too for fertilisation
its minerals rich black mud offer
 properties cosmetic and therapeutic ever.

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