Tuesday, May 17, 2016


oh take me to paradise
heaven on earth you see
not when I am dead and gone
judging by good deeds I have done
Oh Take me to paradise
paradise on earth we live
a place of peace and prosperity
a place of no  enmity
a place of everlasting happiness you see
a place of contentment and luxury
oh take me to paradise
a place of heaven on earth you see
not when I am dead and gone
Judging by good deeds I have done

Thursday, February 11, 2016


Realise your potential
develop confidence and  communication skill
they have come to listen to you
befriend them on the way, it helps you
get rid of fear of unknown
believe your preparation to match none
prepare well on the topic
rush up adrenaline to deliver your speech
avoid butterflies in the stomach
preparation is a pressure
presentation is a pleasure
preparation gives you conviction
like you experienced in examination
 know well  your audience
tune up for the session
CEO communicates  with team well
when it comes to venture capitalist he fumbles
Fear has two components
education and confidence
gear up your talk with knowledge
With  confidence take  audience with you ,advantage
your thoughts are the drivers
language,  mother tongue least matters
experience is a good teacher
makes you perform better
oratory skills benefit sure
differentiates you  at work from others
fast track career  growth it offers
confidence an essential ingredient
lack of which leaves you stammering
express views or opinions with precision
convey them to eagerly waiting audience
organise your speech with good preparation
with introduction, interesting body and good conclusion
jokes and humour makes it spicy
anecdote   and quotes add beauty
in tone of voice avoid monotony
takes away moods of many
know your audience, your preparation sound
practice your delivery , lost confidence found
with proper words you articulate
let your thoughts flow to appreciate
stick to allotted time
compress talk, if in middle you lost time
or extend your presentation  time with consent
your meaningful  communication present
Happy oratory skills
certainly thrills

Sunday, January 31, 2016


you have the ability
why then are you lazy
sense the value of time
enjoy every moment directed fine
you are not tired
why rest before getting tired
Inertia, lethargy , dullness
promoters of laziness.
laziness, idleness signs of weakness
at times tasks ahead hugeness
need a team , rather than alone
plan for team work than alone
laziness, due to lack of motivation
tiresomeness, fear, hurt causing them
Find root cause, address it carefully
certainly will overcome effectively
oh you need to relax when tired
if schedule demands, priority based
raise your efforts reach the goal
lift the goal, be rational
get organised in your acts
at desk, home or in all acts
get rid of deterrents
with your skill and motivating talents.
self talk on thoughts and behaviour
get rid of negativity faster
surge up your mental energy
Remember sign of growth positivity
live in present, focus on present
promote positive thoughts, negativity resent
create goals and dreams
your vision shows path to cherished dreams
Display your goal all around
motivation swells sound
certainly you will self energise
motivation, key to success lies
visualise the path, drive with firmness
focus on benefits, with full awareness
never bog down with difficulties
promote affirmations, avoid procrastinations
Achieving goal improves life
higher goals you begin to vie
so goes the life cycle
Happiness  in achievements you like


Combat skin aging and stress
The nervous system agitation less
With Magnesium in take
Dead sea bath you take.
Strengthen bones and nails
Improve circulation, prevent water retention
Calcium does it all
Dead sea minerals has it all.
Balance skin moisture
After exercises strenuous
Potassium energises the body
Dead sea bath provides this.
Bromide relaxes muscle stiffness
With Dead sea bath muscle relaxes
Lymphatic fluid balance
And immune systems to function
Replenish minerals for skin metabolism
Bath in dead sea, feel fine then.
for osteoarthritis and  tendonitis
Dead sea bath relieves this
Dead sea a boon for psoriasis
Sleep disturbances and skin flaking vanishes you see
Lovers like the dead sea
For never they will sink you see
With  their arms around honey
A  healing touch in embraces, full of harmony.



Dead sea, land locked you see
 on Earth, lowest valley
with minerals of country side and surrounding
washed into pool, baked by sun, salt concentrate astounding.
Oh the high way ninety
along  Israel and  West bank shores you see
road 393 meters below level of sea
lowest on earth shore, the DEAD SEA
Hyper saline water 377 meters deep
in salinity to surpass none you see
with minerals many present in this sea
for human health beneficial you see
no aquatic plants and fishes
Along 67 kms long and 18  kms wide flourish
dead sea, world's first health resort
king David took refuge in this resort
dead sea provide balms for Egyptian mummification
And potash too for fertilisation
its minerals rich black mud offer
 properties cosmetic and therapeutic ever.


Virtues good to possess
happiness and wealth enhances
virtues you possess less
pain in you enhances
lust, anger, envy, evil speech
four ills eschew, virtue seek
virtue is in spotless mind
in pomp and vocal do not find
Do virtuous  act
for ill acts repent and regret
let ills in you melt like ice
virtues you develop ,be  wise