Friday, May 9, 2014


Healthiest people of the world
What makes them healthy is told
Environment and life style is what matters
Your attention benefits and betters.

Iceland with lowest population of world
Infant mortality low and average life highest told
People, oh   their consciousness   to gym
Builds   certainly   life in them.

Fish is an important diet
Vitamin D rich diet
Deficiency of vitamin D
Leading  to  ailments    plenty.

Japanese too love fish
Whole soy, sea weeds, green tea
Never over eat
Eat to eighty percent and wait.

Sweden strike a balance between work and leisure
Hills, mountains, glacial  lakes, their pleasure
Eat fish rich in Omega 3 fatty acids
Cooking oil they use less

Okinawa, place of healthiest
Part of Japan centenarians highest
Eat Tofu and sea weed, with a good life style
Rigorous daily activity they like

New Zeeland   with population low
And pollution too low
Wherever you are, ninety miles drive
Takes you to sea, Nature there to   enliven

Avocadoes, apples and plums
Fresh lettuce they like them
Fruits, vegetables and sea food
Seem to do them good.

Sardinia   of Italy, home of centenarians
Walking a good exercise for them
Whole grain, fiber bread,  fa’va bean
Tomatoes, garlic, fruits and   cheese.

Finland bogged with Heart disease
Encouraged a life style to ease
Fruits and vegetable intake doubled
Work balance, protein in fish and   tofu helped.

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