Friday, September 9, 2011


"Sakaa -Sapthapadha -bhava Sakaayov -Saptha padhaa- Bhaboova
Sakyam -the' -Ghame'yam Sakyaath -the' Maayosham- Sakyan me'
Maayosta -Samayaava -Samayaava Sangalpaavahai -Sampriyov
Rosishnu -Sumanasyamanov Ishamoorjam - abhi -Savasaanov
Managhumsi -Samvrathaas smu Chiththaani -Aakaram -Sathvamasi
Amooham -Amoohamasmi saa -Thvam -dhyowraham
Pruthivee thvam -Retho' aham -retho' Bhruthvam -Manohamasmi
-vak thvam -Saamaa ham asmi -Rukthvam -Saamaam
Anuvradhaa -bhava Pumse' Pumse' -Puthraaya -Veththavai
Sriyai -Puthraaya -Veththavai ehi -Soonrurute'||"


Bride and groom circle around holy fire

Fire, witness to vows made to each other

Sashes worn by bride and groom tied together

Vows on happy relationship, household taken together.

May we be blessed with abundance of food ever

May we strongly support, complement one another

May we be blessed with prosperity

May we be eternally happy

May we be blessed with children worthy

May we live in perfect harmony

May we be the best of friends in love

May lord bless our seven steps or seven vows

Bridegroom recites a mantra then

Conveys his feelings from heart within

By seven steps you have taken with me

You are the best friend to me.

Never I shall move out of this marriage

God has united us in this bondage

We shall perform all actions

With love and affection.

If you are lyrics, I am music dear

If you are music I am lyrics dear

If I am a heavenly body

You are down the world earthy.

If I am a life source, You are a carrier of course

If I am thoughts, You are speech of those

While you are words, I am meaning

With your sweet words come with me

Night, morn, earth, heavens

Honey sweet for us to begin

Sun, plants, cow around

Honey sweet for us sound

Let us begin our prosperous life

Our progeny with children begin.

May Heavens, earth, mountain stable

Our union be permanently stable.


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