Sunday, February 28, 2010


Love thyself, begin to love others
Such feelings open our heart to others
Creates in one’s mind compassion
Spirit of helping hands seen in your mission.

Good to grow in you compassion
Suppress attitude of indifference
Making others happy, an attitude you develop within
An act providing everlasting happiness within.

Compassion, a meaningful emotional maturity
Nurtured by spiritual and religious mentality
Dharma, karuna , seva, bhava as duty
Essential qualities of harmonious humanity.

Sadness an ingredient of compassion
Melts sadness in sadness of companion
Compassion for plants, animals and humans
Saint saving scorpion from water, scorpion stinging on.

Karuna polishes divinity within us
Promoting spirituality and religion within us
See scorpion’s ignorance, saint’s enlightenment
Compassion for the needy a loving commitment.

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