A practice followed for thousands of years
A stress level and heart rate reducer
A rhythmic massage with an aromatic oil
Or normally with gingelly oil or coconut oil
For persons with hyper tension BP reduces
Cool massage ,so calming their mind and body relaxes
Reduces appearance of wrinkles. Cellulite, Scars,
Improves skin smoothness and soft ness
increasing mobility with reduced bone stiffness
Improves lymphatic system, helps removing body waste
Delays age related changes, increases energy and alertness
Let us see how ABHYANGA is done
Take half a bottle o warm gingelly oil in a bottle
Apply from top to toe, starting from head downwards
Massage the oil on your head with thumb and fingers
Gently let it get into scalp and massage in circular motion
Continue to forehead, ears and cheeks and jaws
Down to chest and abdomen in circular clockwise strokes
on ward to trunk and move into ribs inward
Continue to your back and butt, arms and legs in circular motion clockwise
Massage your feet and soles including all toes
Relax for 10 minutes , let the oil soak into you
Wash off the oil using a gentle cleanser
Oil massage can be done by self or with help of another
Touch element adds to relaxation further
Practice this in your homes and relax