MEDITATION Bhagavadgita 6 Chapter
Bhagavad Gita teaches meditation
In a simple without complexity fashion
Yogi does job without thinking of rewards
Yoga means integration of spirit
Path of climbing mountain to God
Needs will power, self-help, and intense efforts
Overcoming selfish sense
You will find a friend in self
Self- discipline gives peace
“Samabaddhi” or Self equanimity
Feel the joy or sorrow of others as that of self
Meditation is an internal discipline
Mind should be concentrated or pointed
Practice meditation alone
Control thoughts and mind
Free them from desire or Passion
Choose a clean spot
A firm seat neither high nor low
Cover it with Kusha or Durva grass and cloth
Now you are ready to meditate
Your mind and senses are under control
This self control needed for purification
Renounce all desires
No desire for praise .honor or name and fame
Hold your trunk head and neck straight
Be steady and look at tip of nose
Do not look around
In this posture you are calm
You are ready to begin concentration
Serene and fearless
Firm in the view of celibacy
Hold your mind fixed on Me , Krishna
Sitting in yoga pose, intent on Me
Concentrate on the glorying virtues of God
Apply mind on Me , Krishna constantly
Mind attains everlasting peace
The Supreme bliss residing in me
By meditation on Lord
Absence of all other thoughts
Yogi attains a state of mind
Yoga not for the over eats
Not for those who fasts
Not for those who sleep much
Not for one who is awake long
Yoga destroys sorrows
Who is moderate in diet and recreation
Temperate in action
Regulated in sleep and wakefulness
With subdued mind on self alone
Free from yearning for objects of desires
One is fit for yoga
A lamp in a windless place
Does not flicker
Discipline Yogi meditating on self
Little by little ,withdraw one self
From objects other than self
With the help of intellect and resolution
Thinking of nothing else
Mind fixed on self
Meditation and concentration
Helps self with Brahman
He will attain bliss
Grace of God, a must
For your meditation to be a success
Anugraha or Grace of God
A must for success
Grace of God is limitless
Showers on devotees and bless
Both in favorable and unfavorable circumstances
Perceive God under all circumstances
Bhakti or devotion is a key for this
Arjuna completely devoted to Krishna
Witnessed the form of Krishna , Visvaroop
One can have His vision by His grace
Not by austerities and rituals
Always be devoted to Lord
All actions spiritual or mundane
He has given us the body, mind and senses
See yourself and others as manifestations of God
All malice is removed
He can behold the Lord in everyone
Elevate yourself in Spiritual plane
Connect yourself with God
Do not bother yourself with material comforts
Detachment gives happiness
With long attachment to Lord Krishna