Monday, October 31, 2011


 Gopuram of Govindarajaswamy temple
In Tirupati from far off   distances   vislble
Built Sri Ramanuja   this   temple
Inner   and outer gopurams ,   nice spectacle.
Inside temple complex, blessed are the devotees
Darshan of many heart seeking deities
Govindaraja , Lord Vishnu on Anantha
Lord is brother of Tirumala Lord Srinivasa.
Find temple of Sri Partha sarathy
With   His   consorts  Sathya bhama and Rukmini.
Goddess Andal archamurthy  in  north  west
Placed   Govindaraja’s right.
Andal enjoys company of Venkatavan lot
Partakes in temple festivities as principal consort
Find goddess Lakshmi seated on lotus
With four arms, upper ones with lotus
One arm in varada hasta or benediction
Other   arm   in   abhaya hasta, fearlessness significance.

Find a shrine for sri  Ramanuja
And Lord Vishnu in kurma avatara
Thousands of devotees flock round the year
Seek   blessings   of   Lord, to them so dear
Dwjarohanam signaling Brahmotsavam
Nine day annual utsavam
With Garuda   imprint   on   cloth   yellow
Garuda,  Maha Vishnu carrier, you know.
Hoisted on top of dwajasthambha
Amidst vedic chanting, in month of Vishaka.
Hear story of Govindaraja
An affectionate brother of Srinivasa
From Lord Kubera borrows money
For Srinivasa to marry Padmavathi 
Srinivasa to pay back gradually
First   interest, principal    finally.
Govindaraja with a measure beneath head
Measure Kubera’s loan offered
And   measure   money   to   pay   back
Whole of Kaliyuga for interest pay back
Tired Govindadaraja, under the head measure
Pay back   principal   beyond   Kaliyuga and   thereafter.


An Indian bride glittering in sari,   with rich embroidery                 
Pretty, radiant, with colorful   bangles, adorning  gold   jewelry
A gleaming face with an attractive    bindi
Hands and feet with colorful mehendi

Boy rides in Girls room
In her heart for none else room
His   gentle manners, charming face
Steal   sight    of    her   beauty and grace..

Brides   dream of their lives
A   fantasy   world   in mind strikes
Life filled with excitement, joy and happiness
Dream days   of   exciting   togetherness.

Groom charming and understanding
Always loving and caring
Lending ears and   listens
Happy married life signs.

Irks in their mind, hopes and fear of new home
Away from parents   in a new environment alone
Settling down to a new relationships
Wishing and praying, without   hardships.

F in   law, father intelligent, learned and wise
M in law, mother inspiring, loving and wonderful
S in law, sister impressive, loving and witty
B in law, brother interesting Laxman and wise

Oh God every day, happiness I seek
May every week be a   happy     week
Every month, a merry month
Every   year,  a   happy   year of strength to strength.




Autumn a seasonal transition
Summer to winter on horizon
Sky turning grey, see moods sway
Physically, mentally mind driven inward way
Autumn, for earthly beings a season of life
Symbolizing ageing in life
Inevitable old age and death
Brood   never,   think   of gladness of harvest much.

The   rich   harvest   season
Fruits, vegetables grains ripen
Celebrate annual festivals merrily
Bountiful,   season    of   fecundity.

Autumn marks Halloween   season
Promotion of confectionaries, decorations begin
Themes of abundance and losing strength
Christmas follows, enliven and rejuvenate    strength.   

Autumn foliage in deciduous trees
Scenic attraction seducing to eyes
Colors changing to yellow, red and brown
Signal   arrival   of   days   of  autumn.

In Britain and America scenes spectacular
Trees give off vibrant red to golden colors
Range of golden shades, good weather to begin
Animals  prepare  for winter, squirrels into hibernation.

Autumn a season of migration
Wild life posed with threatening situation
Days of wild storms and cold snaps
For wild  life  a challenge on mother earth’s lap.

Rivers forcing through narrow rocky gorges
Hurrying down as series of water falls
Leaves turn their ochre and russet tones
Enjoy walking loops, biking, hiking, view panoramic   scenes

Ever green charming Nature, sees in her visitors
Multihued   dresses captivating to eyes of hers
Jealous, exhibits herself in colorful   exuberance
And later in Winter naked to feel her  parts  and  propagation.


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Venice the queen of Adriatic

Floating city, city of canals, most romantic
City known for artistic movements and music
Place of Vivaldi, known for symphony and opera music

People blanch at waters approaching door steps
Flee at first sign of high tide news
So different are Venetians
Live in a city over river with posts driven.

 Walk in Venice from one end to other
It only takes about an hour
Arrows marking pathways to landmarks
Discover marvelous art and super architectures

Walk through the alleys
Or water trips to places
Or sit and watch the locals pass by
For visitors, a beautiful   delight

Little stores at every corner
Carnival masks, glass and marble paper
Murano glass, ornate, colorful, elaborate and skillful
In every shop you find them wonderful.

 Saint   Mark’s   Basilica on Piazza San Marco
A memorable visit in minds remains so
Bell tower, replica of tower collapsed in nineteen hundred and two
 The bell tower of Saint Mark, from top Venice view

Doge’s palace, political and judicial hub
Torre dell’Orologio, clock tower
Art work of Tintoretto, Canaletto, Tiepolo, in mind stays
Punt down in iconic gondola in picturesque water ways

Rialto  bridge   eight hundred years old
Replacing wooden one that collapsed
Museums of Italy, for art and glass works
For visitors spectacular attracts.

Venice a city of fairy tale
Cars banned, foot or water to take
Visit palaces, art and do shopping
Wander   merrily,   drink   Bellini



Shiva wears a deer in upper hand

Trident in lower arm, crescent moon on head

Fair like an ice clad mountain

With fire, damru, malu as a weapon

He wears five serpents as ornament and garland of skulls

His feet presses demon Muyaka

A dwarf holding a cobra

He faces south, His body panchaksha

With tryambakam burned desires to ashes

With crescent moon controlled mind and desires

With matted hair in gold

With poison, down His throat.

Sacred Ganges flowing through matted locks

Seated on deer skin, lust He controls

Garland of snakes signifying wisdom of eternity

Holding deer, tossing of mind controlled nicely

Trident representing conquer over trigunas

Sathva, rajas, tamas gunas

Damru representing OM origin of sound

Lord holds Nandi, the dharma profound.

In Kailash, gana, attendants of Shiva

Shiva named Ganesha, lord of all ganas

Mount Kailash in Himalayas as His abode

Resembling layas , representing center of universe.

Shiva a figure of honour, delight and brilliance

Found in Him invincibility, might and terror presence

Ascetic yogin and as a house holder shines

Parvati as wife, Ganesha and Skanda as His sons.

Parvathi addressed as Uma, Tripura Sundari

Shakti, Durga, Kamaksahi, Meenakshi

Consort of Shiva in creative energy

Ganesha and Karthikeya, their sons of Hindu worship.

Shiva as Nataraja as promoter of dance

Lasya and Tandava, feminine and masculine forms

Lasya graceful gentle delicate emotions

Tandava masculine associated with destruction.

Shiva teacher of yogsa, music, shastras

As Dakshinamurthy teacher of sages

Shiva represented as Ardhanareeshwara, half male and half female

Signifying ultimate power of universe is feminine and masculine.

Shiva linga means an auspicious symbol

Creation and dissolution, god’s symbol

Shiva’s five faces, Sadyojate, vamadeva

Aghora, Tatpurusha, Isana

Shiva’s five faces represent

Five elements in pancha bhutas present

Five senses, organs of perception

And five organs of actions.

Maha Shivaratri in month of Maaga

Thirteenth night, fourteenth morning in Krishna paksha

Day lord Shiva performed tandava and married Parvathi

Observed as fasting day, pray all night, Shiva’s devotees..




Summer days, long hot days

Uncomfortable in night always

Days bursting with all activity

Talk, walk and time for Nature connectivity.

Couples find time together cool

Carefree in outdoor swimming pool

Summer days, families get together

Memories of time spent in them last forever.

Flowers aflutter in fields bright

Poppies, lilies, daisies, roses a delight

Brings colors of life to me and you

Hours you feel, stand and beauty to view.

Summer days in forests, Nature you admire

Time for conservation studies of Nature

Wood paths, towering trees, water falls

Birds, beasts, insects study them all

Insects, frogs and fish in water

Family of duck paddling with mother

Appreciate, aware, concern for Nature

For our environment, creatures matter.

Birds nest and raise their young in summer

Cricket and frogs fill their sound in air

Golden rods and milk weed plants

Amazing to see, draw towards them insects.

Hike to places of water falls

Sight delightful and thrilling to all

Colors and sounds of Nature, a freshener

Stress from minds of young and old gone forever.