Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Monday, October 31, 2011


 Gopuram of Govindarajaswamy temple
In Tirupati from far off   distances   vislble
Built Sri Ramanuja   this   temple
Inner   and outer gopurams ,   nice spectacle.
Inside temple complex, blessed are the devotees
Darshan of many heart seeking deities
Govindaraja , Lord Vishnu on Anantha
Lord is brother of Tirumala Lord Srinivasa.
Find temple of Sri Partha sarathy
With   His   consorts  Sathya bhama and Rukmini.
Goddess Andal archamurthy  in  north  west
Placed   Govindaraja’s right.
Andal enjoys company of Venkatavan lot
Partakes in temple festivities as principal consort
Find goddess Lakshmi seated on lotus
With four arms, upper ones with lotus
One arm in varada hasta or benediction
Other   arm   in   abhaya hasta, fearlessness significance.

Find a shrine for sri  Ramanuja
And Lord Vishnu in kurma avatara
Thousands of devotees flock round the year
Seek   blessings   of   Lord, to them so dear
Dwjarohanam signaling Brahmotsavam
Nine day annual utsavam
With Garuda   imprint   on   cloth   yellow
Garuda,  Maha Vishnu carrier, you know.
Hoisted on top of dwajasthambha
Amidst vedic chanting, in month of Vishaka.
Hear story of Govindaraja
An affectionate brother of Srinivasa
From Lord Kubera borrows money
For Srinivasa to marry Padmavathi 
Srinivasa to pay back gradually
First   interest, principal    finally.
Govindaraja with a measure beneath head
Measure Kubera’s loan offered
And   measure   money   to   pay   back
Whole of Kaliyuga for interest pay back
Tired Govindadaraja, under the head measure
Pay back   principal   beyond   Kaliyuga and   thereafter.


An Indian bride glittering in sari,   with rich embroidery                 
Pretty, radiant, with colorful   bangles, adorning  gold   jewelry
A gleaming face with an attractive    bindi
Hands and feet with colorful mehendi

Boy rides in Girls room
In her heart for none else room
His   gentle manners, charming face
Steal   sight    of    her   beauty and grace..

Brides   dream of their lives
A   fantasy   world   in mind strikes
Life filled with excitement, joy and happiness
Dream days   of   exciting   togetherness.

Groom charming and understanding
Always loving and caring
Lending ears and   listens
Happy married life signs.

Irks in their mind, hopes and fear of new home
Away from parents   in a new environment alone
Settling down to a new relationships
Wishing and praying, without   hardships.

F in   law, father intelligent, learned and wise
M in law, mother inspiring, loving and wonderful
S in law, sister impressive, loving and witty
B in law, brother interesting Laxman and wise

Oh God every day, happiness I seek
May every week be a   happy     week
Every month, a merry month
Every   year,  a   happy   year of strength to strength.




Autumn a seasonal transition
Summer to winter on horizon
Sky turning grey, see moods sway
Physically, mentally mind driven inward way
Autumn, for earthly beings a season of life
Symbolizing ageing in life
Inevitable old age and death
Brood   never,   think   of gladness of harvest much.

The   rich   harvest   season
Fruits, vegetables grains ripen
Celebrate annual festivals merrily
Bountiful,   season    of   fecundity.

Autumn marks Halloween   season
Promotion of confectionaries, decorations begin
Themes of abundance and losing strength
Christmas follows, enliven and rejuvenate    strength.   

Autumn foliage in deciduous trees
Scenic attraction seducing to eyes
Colors changing to yellow, red and brown
Signal   arrival   of   days   of  autumn.

In Britain and America scenes spectacular
Trees give off vibrant red to golden colors
Range of golden shades, good weather to begin
Animals  prepare  for winter, squirrels into hibernation.

Autumn a season of migration
Wild life posed with threatening situation
Days of wild storms and cold snaps
For wild  life  a challenge on mother earth’s lap.

Rivers forcing through narrow rocky gorges
Hurrying down as series of water falls
Leaves turn their ochre and russet tones
Enjoy walking loops, biking, hiking, view panoramic   scenes

Ever green charming Nature, sees in her visitors
Multihued   dresses captivating to eyes of hers
Jealous, exhibits herself in colorful   exuberance
And later in Winter naked to feel her  parts  and  propagation.


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Venice the queen of Adriatic

Floating city, city of canals, most romantic
City known for artistic movements and music
Place of Vivaldi, known for symphony and opera music

People blanch at waters approaching door steps
Flee at first sign of high tide news
So different are Venetians
Live in a city over river with posts driven.

 Walk in Venice from one end to other
It only takes about an hour
Arrows marking pathways to landmarks
Discover marvelous art and super architectures

Walk through the alleys
Or water trips to places
Or sit and watch the locals pass by
For visitors, a beautiful   delight

Little stores at every corner
Carnival masks, glass and marble paper
Murano glass, ornate, colorful, elaborate and skillful
In every shop you find them wonderful.

 Saint   Mark’s   Basilica on Piazza San Marco
A memorable visit in minds remains so
Bell tower, replica of tower collapsed in nineteen hundred and two
 The bell tower of Saint Mark, from top Venice view

Doge’s palace, political and judicial hub
Torre dell’Orologio, clock tower
Art work of Tintoretto, Canaletto, Tiepolo, in mind stays
Punt down in iconic gondola in picturesque water ways

Rialto  bridge   eight hundred years old
Replacing wooden one that collapsed
Museums of Italy, for art and glass works
For visitors spectacular attracts.

Venice a city of fairy tale
Cars banned, foot or water to take
Visit palaces, art and do shopping
Wander   merrily,   drink   Bellini



Shiva wears a deer in upper hand

Trident in lower arm, crescent moon on head

Fair like an ice clad mountain

With fire, damru, malu as a weapon

He wears five serpents as ornament and garland of skulls

His feet presses demon Muyaka

A dwarf holding a cobra

He faces south, His body panchaksha

With tryambakam burned desires to ashes

With crescent moon controlled mind and desires

With matted hair in gold

With poison, down His throat.

Sacred Ganges flowing through matted locks

Seated on deer skin, lust He controls

Garland of snakes signifying wisdom of eternity

Holding deer, tossing of mind controlled nicely

Trident representing conquer over trigunas

Sathva, rajas, tamas gunas

Damru representing OM origin of sound

Lord holds Nandi, the dharma profound.

In Kailash, gana, attendants of Shiva

Shiva named Ganesha, lord of all ganas

Mount Kailash in Himalayas as His abode

Resembling layas , representing center of universe.

Shiva a figure of honour, delight and brilliance

Found in Him invincibility, might and terror presence

Ascetic yogin and as a house holder shines

Parvati as wife, Ganesha and Skanda as His sons.

Parvathi addressed as Uma, Tripura Sundari

Shakti, Durga, Kamaksahi, Meenakshi

Consort of Shiva in creative energy

Ganesha and Karthikeya, their sons of Hindu worship.

Shiva as Nataraja as promoter of dance

Lasya and Tandava, feminine and masculine forms

Lasya graceful gentle delicate emotions

Tandava masculine associated with destruction.

Shiva teacher of yogsa, music, shastras

As Dakshinamurthy teacher of sages

Shiva represented as Ardhanareeshwara, half male and half female

Signifying ultimate power of universe is feminine and masculine.

Shiva linga means an auspicious symbol

Creation and dissolution, god’s symbol

Shiva’s five faces, Sadyojate, vamadeva

Aghora, Tatpurusha, Isana

Shiva’s five faces represent

Five elements in pancha bhutas present

Five senses, organs of perception

And five organs of actions.

Maha Shivaratri in month of Maaga

Thirteenth night, fourteenth morning in Krishna paksha

Day lord Shiva performed tandava and married Parvathi

Observed as fasting day, pray all night, Shiva’s devotees..




Summer days, long hot days

Uncomfortable in night always

Days bursting with all activity

Talk, walk and time for Nature connectivity.

Couples find time together cool

Carefree in outdoor swimming pool

Summer days, families get together

Memories of time spent in them last forever.

Flowers aflutter in fields bright

Poppies, lilies, daisies, roses a delight

Brings colors of life to me and you

Hours you feel, stand and beauty to view.

Summer days in forests, Nature you admire

Time for conservation studies of Nature

Wood paths, towering trees, water falls

Birds, beasts, insects study them all

Insects, frogs and fish in water

Family of duck paddling with mother

Appreciate, aware, concern for Nature

For our environment, creatures matter.

Birds nest and raise their young in summer

Cricket and frogs fill their sound in air

Golden rods and milk weed plants

Amazing to see, draw towards them insects.

Hike to places of water falls

Sight delightful and thrilling to all

Colors and sounds of Nature, a freshener

Stress from minds of young and old gone forever.


Monday, September 26, 2011



Radha or Radha Rani or Radhika

Childhood lover of Krishna

In Bhagavat puranana, Gita Govinda too

Alongside Krishna, great shakthi of love.

Radha’s relation to Krishna

Svakhya rasa and parakyarasa

Meaning married relationship and mental relationship

Radha Krishna, a highly esoteric relationship.

Radha’s eyes beautiful as lotus

Blooming ones you see in forests

Her beautiful body with luster

Brings shame to gold that glitters.

Her beauty both in day and night

Superior to moon shining only in night

Or lotus blooming in the morn

In the night closed and gone.

In her smiles, waves of joy override

Her eyebrows like Cupid’s arrow strike

Her glance like a bumble bee

Leads to intoxication slowly.

Radha rani known as Sarva kanti

Beauty and luster in her body

Desires of Lord Krishna rests

Radha’s beauty, her charm attracts.

Krishna’s internal energy much

Rests on Radha rani as such

Coupled and inseparable Radha Krishna

Like Sita Rama or Laxmi Narayana.

Radha to Krishna always appealing

Radha rani very sweet and charming

Adolescent and always fresh and youthful

A smile on Her face and always blissful

With doe like eyes restless

Her hands and feet with lines auspicious

Fragrant body with nice aroma

Exceptional singer and plays veena

Words charming and pleasing to ears

Jokes delighting to Krishna’s ears

Exceptionally humble in actions

Embodiment of mercy and compassion

In intelligence and wit surpasses all

In love acts she is exceptional

Shyness, a gem in Her character

A beacon light of modesty, swerves from honesty never.

Unperturbed by worldly sorrow and misery

With unbounded gravity and sublimity

Fascinated with uniting with Krishna

High sentiments of ecstatic love for Krishna.

Reservoir of loving affairs in Gokula

Her transcendental glory in all lokas

Affectionate to Her superiors

Submissive to love of girlfriends senior.

Chief among Krishna’s gopi lovers

Keeps Krishna’s actions under control

Krishna submissively obeys Her command indeed

Pray to Radha, to Krishna she will plead




Oh Love One Virtue Ever

In Life one Values Ever

The Love one values ever

One Lives on values ever.

Love of vivid Entertainment

Life of valued Excitement

Love of virtuous emotions

Life offering valued Expressions.

Love of vivid excitement

Love of victorious Embracement

Love of varied enjoyment

Life of one valued engagement.




Oranges Of Chinese, North Indian origin

Carried by navigators Portuguese and Italian

For medicinal purposes to Mediterranean

Later to Spain, Mexico, and places American.

California and Arizona oranges

Available throughout year fruit citrus

Two major varieties Valencia and Navels

And Moro, Cara Cara the seasonals

Valencia oranges with few seeds

Thin skinned with full of juice

Fruit of nutritional power

At times with chlorophyll absorption green in color

Navel oranges finest for eating

Fruits interior red or orange

Snacks for lunches and travel

Orange sections of pancakes and waffles.

Moro oranges with thin skins

Bright red interior seen

Tasting hints of Raspberry and in Moro present

Anthocyanin powerful and oxidant

Anthocyanin, neutralizes effects of free radicals

Agents responsible for cancer, aging, health ailment

Jewel like color in recipes

Slices of segments into salads, salsas

Used in salads, salsas and chutneys

In microwave oven make an exotic sauce

With two table spoons of orange marmalade

Tumble in one piece of Moro diced.

Cara cara oranges of California

With interior pinkish red

Flavored like tangy Cranberry like zing

Source of vitamins A, C and fiber Lycopene.




Beauty of woman captivating to eyes

Her Inner beauty in her personality lies

With charm, grace, intelligence

And politeness, integrity ,elegance.

Young look pretty, walk with beauty

With proportionate features built into their body

Dwells in their mind, ideal shape of woman

With waist to hip ratio of zero point seven.

Woman with emotional beauty

Radiate happiness, contentment and joy

She is simply adorable

For her quiet and mild spirit lovable

Beautiful girls at times arrogant

Mess up their love, though not intent

Realize never inner beauty is what counts

In everlasting love accounts

Beauty of woman they say

Lies in improving man in every way

Being strong when things go wrong

Tomorrow sing together a happiness song.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Indra, king of Gods riding on elephant
Durvasa muni offered him a garland
Indra put it on elephant’s trunk
Irritated by smell elephant threw it at once.

Durvasa muni much offended
On Indra, muni angrily cursed
Lose strength, influence and auspiciousness
Devas defeated by asuras at once.

Devas distressed appealed to Lord Vishnu
Vishnu suggested them, with asuras a truce
Draw them to Ksheera sagara mathan
Or    churning   of the ocean.

Devas and asuras churn the ocean
Bali Maharaja, led asuras to begin 
Vishnu with Mandara   mountain  on Garudas back
And snake Vasuki as churning rope

Asuras insisting on front of Vasuki
Vishnu advising devas to hold tail simply
Chuning hard for release of nectar
Blazing fire from mouth of Vasuki appear

Devas and asuras continue churning
Mandara   without   support sinking.
Vishnu took form of tortoise or kurma
Continued supporting Mandara

Many great objects began to surface
Deavas and asuras good understanding to share
During churning out came halahala
Deadly poison frightening asuras and devas

On advice of Vishnu, devas appeal to Shiva
Shiva drank poison, Parvati pressing neck of Shiva.
Prevented poison going down to stomach
Shiva’s neck appearing blue with poison much

Lord Shiva hence called Neelakanta
Came to   rescue  of  deavas.
Fourteen different things surface
Devas and asuras decide on equal share

Lakshmi goddess of wealth and fortune
Kaustaba, costliest jewel of world known
Parijata, the divine white flower
Varuni, goddess of intoxicant beverages ever

Dhanvantri, the doctor
Chandra, the moon appears
Kamadhenu, wish granting cow
Kalpatharu, wish granting tree or tharu

Airavati, white elephant of Indra
Apsara, nymphs like Rambha, Menaka
Uccharavas,  the  seven  headed  horse
Sharanya, bow of lord Vishnu

Shanka, Vishnu’s conch
Amrita, nectar  of  immortality.
Ocean produced balacendra
The cool crescent moon

Offered to Lord Shiva,to wear on His head
Dhanvantri with nectar filled pot appeared.
Demons lost patience and snatched
From Dhanvantri the kumbha, fight ensued

Among demons who should drink first
Garuda snatched the pot and fled fast
Garuda in his   flight   round earth
Spilled out   from pot   four   drops on to   earth.

Drops fell at Prayag, Haridwar, Ujjain and Nasik
Today four sacred places of Hindu worship
Places of power and spirituality
Kumbha  mela celebrated once in twelve years merrily.

Asuras fought and snatched back from Garuda
Overwhelmed with happiness the asuras
Their happiness was short lived
Appeared before them  as apsara damsel.

Vishnu as Mohini, a damsel appeared
Mohini begins to distribute
Her ways none should dispute
She would be just in distribute

Asuras and devas agree to her just attribute.
Mohini made demons and asuras to sit
In separate lines in order she insist
Delivered   devas   amrith   first

Spoke to demons   praiseworthy words best.
Demons waiting for their turn next
Rahu, an intelligent one among demons
Suspected foul play in Mohini’s actions

Transformed into a deva like figure
Between Surya and Chandra appears
Chandra dev signaled to Mohini
Skip Rahu sitting next to me

But it was too late for Mohini to act
Rahu had his share and gulped into throat
Vishnu appeared, served remaining to Chandra
Threw the pot on to earth after serving last of devas

Started chasing Rahu, the demon
Severed Rahu’s   head   with  Vishnu chakra at once.
Rahu’s head tasting amrith became immortal
Vishnu decides to break into pieces multiple

Chandra pleads not to do so
Every piece would incarnate as daitya more
Vishnu directs Rahu to change his life style
Begin absorbing devas life style

Your head and body split be with Surya and Chandra
Worshipped as Rahu and Ketu in Navagraha
Suryaya Chandraya Mangalaya Budhaya
Guru Sukra Sanibyascha Rahave Ketave namaha


 Anjana , a female apsara and Kesari  born
With   blessings from Vayu or Pavan
Hanuman, in strength, powers and intelligence
Eleventh    avatar   of   Lord   Shiva,   supreme.

Hanuman as child chases Sun, a fruit to eat
Rahu , a vedic planet of solar eclipse on  way meet
A clash between sathvic   Hanuman,  Rahu  tamas
Hanuman victorious,  Rahu  appeals to Indra, King of devas

Indra’s thunderbolt struck Hanuman’s jaw
Fell on earth with the mighty blow
 Vayu, in retaliation moves into seclusion
Taking atmosphere,  life   nerve   with   him.

On earth living beings asphyxiate
Indra withdrew effect of thunder bolt immediate

Perturbed    Devas   arrived on scene
Revived Hanuman, shower of blessings seen

Lord Brahma gave Hanuman boons
None can kill him with any of weapons
Fear, in friends you annihilate, in enemies you create
Change your form small or great.

As you wish travel anywhere
Your body now stronger than vajra, fear never
No vajra , thunder storm can harm
Blessed are you from now on.

Lord Shiva appeared, showered on him
Boon of longevity, scriptural wisdom
He gave Hanuman a  kavacha or a band
Protect him for life attacks he can withstand.

Indra  too appeared ,blessed Pavan putra
Your body shall be stronger than vajra
Indara’s   vajra  can do no harm
Varuna too blessed, from waters no harm

Agni present, blessed no harm from fire
Surya gave two siddhis, choose as you desire
You can take Laghima, shrink to any size you desire
Or Garima, expand to the largest form you aspire.

Vayu blessed with super speed,his son
Yama blessed long life, free from his weapon
Yama danda will not come to him
Kubera blessed Hanuman ever happy you remain

Hanuman learnt Sun as a teacher
Become His student aspire
Sun ever in motion on a chariot
Difficult for Hanuman, he regrets.

Enlarging with one leg on eastern and   other on western
Facing Sun,   appealed  with  devotion and concern
Sun pleased with Hanuman’s persistence
Aceepts  him  as student , begins his lessons

Hanuman learnt from Sun, all knowledge
Offers Sun, gurudakshina , as gratitude to acknowledge
Sun pleased with his extreme devotion, on insistence
Offer my son Sugriva, as required assistance.

Hanuman as youth mischievous
Teased a lot sages in forests
Sages gave a mild curse on him
Your ability needs reminder from another person.

Curse highlighted in Kishkinda kanda
And also in Sundarakanda
Jambhavan reminding Hanuman
To   find  Sita, His abilities immense

Oh Hanuman , You are as powerful as wind
You are intelligent, illustrious, and inventive kind
There is nothing in the world that is difficult for you
Whenever struck, you are the one who can rescue.